SRC Prize for Art 2024 was awarded to the architect Tomáš Rausz
The evaluation committee of the SRC Prize for Art, composed of doc. René Baďura, doc. Mária Heinzová and doc.Martin Palúch, recommended the President of the Slovak Rectors' Conference to award the SRC Prize for Art 2024 to Ing. arch. Tomáš Rausz for his diploma project Data Island – Steel Cloud, which has gained international significance. The award-winning work was created during the author's studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in the academic year 2023/2024 under the supervision of Ing. arch. Andrej Boroš. On November 12, 2024, the award ceremony was held with the presence of the SRC President doc. Vladimír Hiadlovský and Vice-rector of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, prof. Ľubica Vitková, who represented the rector of STU. Other members of the SRC presidium and representatives of the awardee's home faculty were also present at the ceremony.
Ing. arch. Tomáš Rausz graduated his Engineering studies in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in the academic year 2023/24.
Tomáš Rausz's diploma project Data Island - Steel Cloud solves the use of abandoned oil platforms in an original way. It offers a solution to reuse concrete and steel buildings, which are today a symbol of environmental violence, but in accordance with the requirements of decarbonization and environmental sustainability. The evaluation committee praised the project as not only complex, but also of high quality from an architectural point of view, with an emphasis on ecological benefits. When developing the project, Tomáš relied on thorough analyzes and presented a factual and at the same time high-quality solution, which has the potential to be used directly in practice when decommissioning numerous oil platforms. He replaced the original function of an oil well in the project with the concept of a data center built on the principles of submersible server cooling. The advantage of the proposal is a significant reduction of the necessary infrastructure, which rationalizes the economic strategy of the proposal. The used new building emphasizes the iconic expression of the dense tangle of constructions and equipment that define the architectural character of the existing oil platforms.
The assignment of the diploma project arose from an international competition for young architects and architecture students announced by Manni, CNR-IRBIM and YAC (Young Architects Competition), that is one of the most prestigious organizers of architectural competitions in the world. In the YAC 2024 international competition, Tomáš won 1st place with his project Data Island – Steel cloud. He was also successful in the domestic prestigious competition for the Professor Jozef Lacko Award for the academic year 2023/2024.
Congratulations to the awardee!
Related information:
- Press release (in Slovak): Architekt Tomáš Rausz získal Cenu SRK za umenie 2024
- Ing. arch. Tomáš Rausz Bio (in Slovak)
- About the SRC Prize for Art (in Slovak)
- Photos
- SRC prize in the media: Teraz, STU, Školské, Bleskovky
Author: MČ
Photo: archive T. R.