The Voice of Universities

President of the Slovak rectors´ conference Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Rudolf Kropil, PhD. expresses his congratulation in the name of SRC members to prof. Ing. Milan Dado, PhD. who was awarded a title Scientist of the year 2017 in a category Personality of international cooperation. 

Professor Milan Dado received the award for his activities in the area of science and technology development and on the basis of international cooperation and for spreading the good name of the Slovak republic abroad throught projects on international scientific and technological cooperation. 

Professor Milan Dado is working for a long period at the University of Žilina, where he hold several academic posts including the Rector and Vice-rector, he was Dean of the Faculty of electrical engineering and Head of the Department of telecommunications. From 2000 to 2002 Professor Milan Dado was President of the Slovak rectors´ conference. 
Sincere congratulations, Professor Milan Dado!
Information on the award can be found at Národné centrum na popularizáciu vedy a techniky.
Source: NCP VaT
Photo: UNIZA


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