In June 2018 fourteen European universities and research institutions associations adopted a joint declaration with a proposal to increase budget of the future framework programme Horizon Europe. With this programme the European Union will again financially support science, research and innovations. This activity interrelates with actual discussions and upcoming approval of the Multiannual financial framework of the European Union 2021 - 2017. Fourteen Pan European associations propose to increase the budget of the future programme up to €160 billion.
Slovak Rectors´ Conference supports the proposal to increase Horizon Europe budget that became the most important funding instrument for basic research in Europe. The framework programme finances projects on the basis of excellency criterium but currently is unable to accommodate 75 per cent of the high-quality proposals submitted due to its low budget. The increased budget would support more high-quality projects. On the other hand, European investment in R&I in fine supports all other European policies. Research and Innovation underpin Europe’s economic growth and societal progress. R&I investment fuels competitive innovation and therefore contributes to all key policy priorities, such as job creation, energy, climate change, social inclusion, migration and sustainability. Spending at this level enhances synergies, reduces excessive duplication and fragmentation, creates critical mass and generates economies of scale. As a result, the tax payer’s money is more efficiently used.
SRC President Professor Marek Šmid informed in letter about the declaration and its reasons the Prime minister of the SR, the Minister for education, science, research and sports of the SR, the Vice prime minister and Minister for Finances of the SR and MEPs and called them to support the proposal.
Joint declaration "Universities united for the best Horizon Europe"
Reasons to step up eu investment in research and innovation
EUA about the joint declaration and the reasoning
European campaing "EU funding for universities"
Author: mc
Photo: STU