SRC joined Global Climate Strike #idenamovsetko
The Slovak Rectors' Conference supports students´ movement Fridays for Future Slovakia and has joined the call for the Global Climate Strike.
From Sept. 20 - 27, 2019 demonstrations and other accompanying activities will be held around the world with the single title Global Climate Strike. With the slogan "Our house is on fire - lets act like it", a global call to engage in a strike was launched to demand climate justice for everyone and everything alive on this planet.
The reasons why SRC supports the movement are summarized in the short documentary BBC Climate Change – The Facts.
Everyone can join the strike. The global strike in Slovakia will take place on Friday Sept. 20, 2019 in several Slovak towns.
More information about the place and time can be found at
Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Rudolf Kropil, PhD.
SRC´s President
Photo: © Klimaticky strajk 2019